The culture of an organization is its corporate identity. It's the standards, practices, beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors shared collectively by a group. It's defined by a company’s work environment, business structure, policies, procedures, communication styles, branding, employee performance, engagement, and public perception. At Harrison Construction we understand the elements that influence corporate culture and we believe that thoughtfully investing in those areas is essential for operational success and business longevity. Establishing a strong, healthy culture encourages a sense of community and creates a workplace where employees want to remain and grow. We recognize that great culture is key to attracting new talent and that it has a profound impact on productivity. We value our employees, and endeavor to support their workplace journeys so that they can prosper both personally and professionally. It is important to us that we provide a safe, supportive, and positive work environment with clearly defined goals and expectations. We also know that cultural health effects external business relationships, and coincidentally, an organization’s profitability. We take pride in our work and are committed to delivering results that compliment our reputation and generate value for the clients we serve. To leverage the strength and sustainability of our organization’s culture, we strive to foster a workspace that is united around a shared purpose and mission, and that encourages members to consistently exude our company’s unique core values.
Our mission is to safely deliver quality, sustainable workmanship and outstanding customer service for clients that efficiently meets budget parameters, respects scheduling demands, and surpasses expectations.
At Harrison Construction, our core values are the foundation of our culture. These are the traits and qualities that represent our organization’s highest priorities, deeply held beliefs, and core, fundamental driving forces. They guide our actions and behaviors for making business decisions and help our team members work towards common goals and objectives. Our core values serve as the bridge between our strategic business plans and our mission. Each concept shares importance in the well-being of our employees, clients, and business operations. In an environment where change is inevitable, our core values are absolute and consistent. These seven principles identify, support, and inspire us. Their existence is what sets us apart from the competition.
Prioritize the health and safety of our team before anything else. Be committed to safety in your decisions and actions. Take personal responsibility for safety. Look out for others. Speak up when it’s necessary.

Behave ethically. Make transparent, well-intentioned decisions. Speak the truth. Build honesty into your daily routine.

Pursue greatness. Commit to deliver quality service and products. Strive to exceed expectations. Push beyond your limitations. Seek opportunities for improvement. Aim for success.
Portray a courteous, conscientious, and businesslike manner. Be responsible, disciplined, and focused. Embody a service mindset. Perform duties with efficiency and thoroughness. Present yourself as a representative of the company

Embrace innovation and creativity. Foster a forward-thinking mindset. Endeavor to provide recommendations, identify solutions, and solve problems by thinking outside the box.
Be passionate about your purpose. Trust your abilities. Remain tenacious and resilient despite adversity and setbacks

Safeguard and manage what is entrusted to you. Take pride in your work and ownership of your duties. Responsibly use business resources. Demonstrate prudence. Leave things better than you found them. Honor your commitments

Harrison Construction's highest priority is ensuring that our people go home to their families at the end of each workday. We are committed to protecting and promoting occupational health and safety in all facets of our organization. We are diligent and disciplined to consistently perceive, value, and prioritize workplace safety above any other duty or obligation. We employ a full-time safety professional who is dedicated to the ongoing development, management, and improvement of our corporate safety systems. Top tier management and supervisory personnel lead and demonstrate their commitment to safety by example. Our employees acknowledge that safety is not the sole responsibility of one person or department, but of everyone within the company.
Our experience serving in the local community and supporting various outreach initiatives across the region has provided us with so many exciting, yet humbling opportunities. We’ve found reciprocity and value in investing and participating in activities that strengthen and improve conditions in the neighborhoods where we live and work. Corporate philanthropy has been a rewarding way for our organization to collectively participate in fundraising efforts, volunteerism, and to share resources with friends and neighbors. These endeavors have an empowering effect on employees and strengthen team camaraderie in the workplace. With that in mind, we strive to advocate for platforms and programs that are significant to our employees and their families. Through community outreach, we have witnessed progress and positive societal impact. Such initiatives have allowed us to build lasting partnerships and strengthen relationships.

Harrison Construction has been an advocate for workforce development efforts across the state for many years. We see value in providing education and training opportunities to develop our current workforce, and for investing in initiatives that focus on building our future workforce pipeline. We support various craft training and development endeavors launched within our region and surrounding areas. Part of our commitment involves participation in the Region 3 Worlds of Work event that occurs annually at Shelton State Community College. The interactive two-day event, referred to as WOW, is designed to showcase potential career pathways for students as they begin exploring career options and making job planning decisions for after graduation. During WOW, students have the opportunity to participate in hands-on activities and learn about the industry from local business representatives. Harrison Construction has been heavily involved in WOW since its inception in 2015 and proudly serves as World Leader for the construction sector.